Analytics Will Be at the Helm of a Digitally Skilled Workforce in 2021 and Beyond

Digital Workforce

Amidst all the chaos and scare that 2020 brought along, enterprises pumped more money to up their digital game. Digital investments became a primary focus, and digital dexterity was suddenly on everyone’s mind. In fact, it is touted as the number one ingredient for successful digitization, and enterprises are trying their best to cultivate it. […]

Driving operational outcomes with the power of workforce analytic solutions

Workforce Analytics Solutions

Organizations worldwide are eagerly adopting workforce analytics. It has opened doors to better understanding and renders a firm grip on business and productivity even in a fast-growing WFH environment. Despite the buzz around work activity analytics and its incredible benefits, we’ve barely scratched the surface to experience its full benefits. The good news is that […]

How COVID-19 Has Fast-Forwarded the Future of Work

Future of Work

Sapience Analytics is featured in a new article in TIME magazine on productivity and post-pandemic workforce trends. A four-day work week, shorter hours, and remote work: The means of re-inventing work have been talked about for years, long before the COVID-19 pandemic brought about workplace upheaval. Now, faced with the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, […]

How Big Data in the Workplace is Key to Success in the Post-COVID Era – SIG 2020 Global Executive Summit

Global Executive Summit 2020

Sapience Analytics is proud to be a featured speaker at the Sourcing Industry Group (SIG) Fall Global Executive Summit. The world’s most advanced and forward-thinking industry event for procurement practitioners, the SIG Global Executive Summit will be virtual this year, delivering a fully digital experience Oct. 13-15. Sapience’s Vice President of Business Development Richard Reep will be presenting on […]

Sapience Analytics CEO Bradley Killinger Named Semi-Finalist in Tech Titan Awards, Honoring Technology Innovation in North Texas

Sapience Logo

Killinger named semi-finalist in the “Emerging Company CEO” category PLANO, Texas – Sept. 24, 2020 – Sapience Analytics, the market leader in enterprise workforce analytics, today announced that Chief Executive Officer Bradley Killinger has been named a Tech Titans Awards semi-finalist in the “Emerging Company CEO” category. The Tech Titans Awards recognize the elite in North Texas […]

Sapience Analytics Wins 2020 Pandemic Tech Innovation Award

Pandemic Tech News Logo

Sapience Vue advanced business analytics platform recognized for exceptional innovation PLANO, Texas – August 19, 2020 – Sapience Analytics, the market leader in enterprise workforce analytics, announced today that TMC, a global, integrated media company, and its TMC Labs product review division, have named Sapience Vue a 2020 Pandemic Tech Innovation Award winner. The Pandemic Tech Innovation Awards […]

Workplace Productivity is the New Measurement of a Successful Business. Here’s Why.

Workplace Productivity

Due to the recent explosion in remote workforces combined with the need for business models to be fast, precise and accurate, tracking workplace productivity is emerging as the key metric. It’s seen as the most meaningful way to determine if your business is lagging behind or truly achieving success within the current shifting business landscape. […]

How to Take Productivity Analysis To the Next Level At Your Enterprise

Productivity Analysis

The idea of measuring workforce productivity as a path toward boosting organizational efficiency isn’t new. As today’s business world adjusts to remote workforce models, analyzing productivity has become even more critical to business success – but implementation lags within many organizations. The reason is simple: no one has been quite sure how to accurately (and […]