How COVID-19 Has Fast-Forwarded the Future of Work - Sapience
Sapience Analytics

How COVID-19 Has Fast-Forwarded the Future of Work

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Future of Work

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Sapience Analytics is featured in a new article in TIME magazine on productivity and post-pandemic workforce trends.

A four-day work week, shorter hours, and remote work: The means of re-inventing work have been talked about for years, long before the COVID-19 pandemic brought about workplace upheaval. Now, faced with the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, these workplace innovation and transformation concepts are being put into practice.

According to the article, “The pandemic is forcing companies to rethink how they structure work, and some are trying ambitious changes to try to fix what is broken. They’re shortening the workweek, doing away with meetings and rethinking the butts-in-seats mentality. They’re adjusting workdays to suit the needs of employees scattered across time zones and faced with childcare responsibilities. Some are even reimagining offices as nonwork retreats for employees who need a break from home.”
In the midst of all this change, organizations are being forced to conduct a closer examination of employee productivity and burnout, with as many as 1 in 4 people working from home globally, up from more than 1 in 12 before the pandemic.

“Aside from interruptions by kids, roommates and spouses, we’re dealing with colleagues who use Slack and email to ask questions that, in pre-pandemic days, could have been dealt with quickly in impromptu hallway conversations. There are more meetings so that colleagues who no longer catch up over coffee in a shared kitchen can hear what everyone is up to. After companies transitioned to remote work in March, the number of meetings jumped 12.9%, the number of internal emails increased, and workdays grew 48 1⁄2 minutes longer, according to one global study of 3 million workers.

But with increased work time, we are seeing less focused work that keeps workers happy and productive. Instead, people are spending their time switching between meetings, emails, chats and their core work tasks. This has been shown to erode focus, which can erode up to 40% of employees’ productive time.
Given the fundamental shift in where work is conducted and how it gets done, how do businesses ensure continuity, productivity, and management effectiveness?

For more than a decade, Sapience has developed a consistent track record of helping clients increase work output by up to 40 percent, time spent on core work by up to 30 percent, and correlations between effort and output by as much as 64 percent.

Sapience workplace analytics technology aggregates thousands of data points – digital output from every corner of the enterprise, every 15 seconds – to provide an unprecedented level of operational visibility around people, processes, and technology.

These insights – a fully automated and real-time multifaceted view of Enterprise Effort – are then translated into prescriptive reports providing the WHAT, WHEN, and WHERE to support data-driven digital transformation. With Sapience, businesses build a better version of their organization every day, for ultimate agility and competitive advantage.

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